Oxenhope.... osprey!.... 14-09-2010

Rain Rain Rain.... Evening sky! (c) 2010

Torrential Downpour this evening... the birds probably left into the better conditions seen here through the pouring rain! (c) 2010

Black Sky.... Black Water!.... Bright Moon!... (c) 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Tuesday 14 September 2010
Counting period: 13:00-14:30
Weather: W F7 gusting F9!, 16degC, 60km, 2/8 clear blue skies with cu humilis after v heavy rain and poor visibility up to c1130hr, QNH 1008 falling
Observers: Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Osprey 1 - Swallow 2 -
Totals: 3 individuals, 2 species, 1:30 hours
Comments: Posted myself at the late autumn watchpoint and managed 90 minutes early afternoon, following appalling weather this morning. Also had school run and baby sitting duties this morning. Nonetheless, the wind remained very powerful and had I not taken refuge behind my landy, conditions would have been nigh impossible. Just after arriving, two Swallows came through south like missiles low over the in-bye. Then at 13.15 hrs, whilst scanning around, a distant large raptor came into view just south of Denholme, which proved to be a very welcome Osprey when scoped. It too was really shifting and taking full advantage of the clear weather window and powerfully assisting winds. It moved rapidly South out over Thornton, Clayton and Wibsey till out of sight over south Bradford. However, that was it for moving birds - despite scanning right through the watch, the skies were completely empty - no corvids,no gulls, not even any woodpigs !!!!. Several close by Mipits were seen hunkered down in the grass, which was no surprise. Another Stoat was seen hunting and quickly scored with a vole. It ran off down the road with the vole in its jaws - I binned the scene and the vole looked really unhappy !.... Swallow - 2 S... Osprey - 1 S...
Counting period: 18:45-21:00
Weather: W F6 gusting F8, 10degC, 30km reducing 1000m in rain, 4/8 - 8/8 driving drizzzle then torrential rain shower, QNH 1007 falling
Observers: Dave Barker
Moving birds:
Little Stint - 1
Meadow Pipit 56 -
Mediterranean Gull - 1
The mass of gulls too, quite possibly weater induced may have been passing through but we will have to wait and see.
Totals: 58 individuals, 3 species, 2:15 hours
Present: Goosander 43, Lapwing 92, Curlew 2, Black-headed Gull 72, Common Gull 6, Lesser Black-backed Gull 361, Common Sandpiper 3
Comments: A mass of very heavy rain sinking south over last night but mainly west of the Pennines.... we were on the very edge of it. Then fragmented bands of rain passing south all morning up to c1130hr. The further west you were the more rain there was! Winds strengthening considerably throughout from a westerly quarter and QNH also falling throughout. A dramatic change on the back of the front at 1130hr with skies opening, rain ceasing and brilliant sunshine prevailing albeit some exceedingly heavy showers in the afternoon. After 1930 the heavens opened with me trapped in the shelter and there I had to remain til c 2045 when the storm had passed through. Well worth the effort though as mips were going for it west through the drizzle from arrival until it started to pour.... A considerable influx of gulls, mainly lessers during the afternoon must have come in low most probably from the east.... it was a very dark mottly pack and including a Med Gull! ad w, and a Little Stint was running through the pack as well.... three Common Sandpipiers were also new, all confirming considerable non passerine movement today! Had the light been better there would have been much interest here in the lessers! Just after the rain started there was a tremendous dread, everything got up and most left so far as I could tell, north into the torrent! It will be interesting to see whether the gull numbers normalise tomorrow!
Dave and Howard
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