Oxenhope... recent reports 26/27-07-2010

Wrose Hill / Idle Moor picked out in brilliance through the gloom! (c) 2010

Soil on a Bad Day... (c) 2010
Sorry for the delay in posting but here are the reports for the last couple of days.
26-07-2010 (Monday)
0700 - 0800hr
Curlew 2
LBB Gull 135
BH Gull 53
Herring Gull 1
Common Gull 1
Meadow Pipit c35 congregating on wave wall... probably after an early move!
Brian Vickers
W F3, 18degC, 35km, 8/8, impending rain, QNH 1016 steady all day
1845 - 1955hr
Rain from lunch time becoming heaviest mid pm with frontal wet periods moving longitudinally from NNW. Now dry but fractus down on the moor and very unstable and with virtually nothing in the sky early evening except for the lessers.... a really dismal evening!
Moving Birds:
LBB Gull 112
BH Gull 2
Goosander 1
27-07-2010 (Tuesday)
0840 - 1020hr
BH Gull 64
LBB Gull 210
Herring Gull 1
Ringed Plover 1
Meadow Pipit 30+
Swallow 10
1100 - 1400hr
Curlew 5
Wheatear 3
LBB Gull 172
BH Gull 94
Herring Gull 1
Common Gull 1
WNW F4 reducing quickly, 17degC, 65km+, 3/8 becoming bright and sunny late pm after and overcast but dry day, QNH 1016 rising
1800 - 1945hr
This evening noteable for westerly mipit movement as they do at this time of year... becoming prominent later in the visit and the 31 counted were mostly in quite a short time as I was prepering to leave. Moving in diffuse groups. If I had been able to stay longer I am sure the mipit count would have been much greater.
Moving Birds:
LBB Gull 117
BH Gull 105
Lapwing 10
Wheatear 2
Ringed Plover 1
Green Sandpiper flushed and off W
Curlew 3
Common Gull 4
Meadow Pipit 31
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