Oxenhope.... even wetter! 23-08-2010

Goosander Roost (part) tonight... (c) 2010

Small Tortoiseshell.... (c) Howard Creber 2010
Hey up Dave,
Thought it time to gird my loins in readiness for the vis-mig onslaught, and managed a quick hour (09.30 - 10.30) between my domestic duties.
Very little vis in evidence apart from 5 Mipits through west and one Skylark high east.
Plenty of blogging hirundines and Mipits and 3 distinct flocks of juv Starlings blogging in the near to far distance towards Bradford (circa 140,50 & 60).
Conditions were very calm, warm and dull with Stratocumulus stratiformis dominating the sky. Managed a quick shot of a Tortoiseshell before rain commenced 10.30.
WSW F5/6, 12degC, 65km, intermittent rain, 8/8, QNH 996 falling
1840 - 2100hr
Rain after midnight with a massive area several hours deep moving up from the south west.... but the really heavy stuff just a bit further east and missing us. Two bands of rain during the day but seemingly the heavy stuff missing us yet again. QNH falling rapidly, wind from a westerly quarter and overcast throughout. Virtually nothing in the sky and nothing anywhere with mipits still west the only birds on the move. The Goosander roost the highest of the season to date.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 6
BH Gull 1
Tufted Duck 1
Meadow Pipit 31
Goosander 29
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