Oxenhope 22-11-2008

Sunrise this morning (c) 2008

Altostratus invading from the North (c) 2008

This is one of my furthest landmarks Martyn as seen this morning... The Immingham Oil Refineries (c) 2008
0745 - 0845hr DB
NNW F2 rising F5, 0degC falling -0, Snow showers, 120km+, 3/8 increasing 5/8, QNH 1017 rising 1018.
A bitter cold morning with ice on the puddles and hardened ground but exceptionally clear! The Immingham Oil Refineries, not normally visible, way out to the east were well defined.... but still looking for the Spurn lighthouse!! An early snow shower diddent last long. Birdwise only Woodpigeons seemed to be on the move, but just a few Starlings totalling 16 went fast and low to the NW. Three mipits went high west into the bitter blast!
Moving birds in order of appearance:
Meadow Pipit 3 > W
Woodpigeon 185 > S + 16 > N = 201
Starling 16 > NW
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