Watchpoint 11-06-2005
Members only watchpoint 11-06-2005
Saturday 11th June 2005
1410 – 1700hr
Weather and Sky:
Initially bright after an overcast morning but cloud soon closing in again. Wind: initially E F2 but vary variable both in speed and direction (N ~SE), calm ~ F4. Temp: 12 dp 7 (later dp 5) Visibility: Leck (max), Eggborough (increasing Drax). Cloud: initially 5ok deep stratocumulus actively developing and growing with variable wind related. Becoming more strato 9ok and stable as afternoon progressed. Pressure: gradual fall 1018 @ 1400, 1017 by 1700.
One of the few BHG > NW (c) DCB
Swifts and hirundines very active in upper sky initially during unstable conditions with some of the Swifts drifting unusually SW with the wind. Swift movement tended to be in waves, one moment very directional and the next less so. Sky scoping revealed appreciable numbers of both House Martins and Swallows in the upper sky along with many Swifts (cloudbase variable 2000 / 4000 ft) which were just very active without moving far. As the afternoon progressed and conditions became more stable, first the hirundines and then the Swifts disappeared. Gulls were more in evidence that during the last few visits with both loafing and moving birds (> NW ~ N) in and over the area. The very large post breeding flocks of Starlings appeared to have left the area with only 27 being seen today, with the Sparrowhawk still hoping!

Loafing BHG (c) DCB
Birds in the sky:
Swifts with some drift SW
House Martins
Starling much reduced to 27
Black headed Gull 28 > NW / N, 11 max loafing.
Lesser black backed Gull 14 NW / N, 6 loafing.
Herring Gull 1 > NW
Oystercatcher 4
Saturday 11th June 2005
1410 – 1700hr
Weather and Sky:
Initially bright after an overcast morning but cloud soon closing in again. Wind: initially E F2 but vary variable both in speed and direction (N ~SE), calm ~ F4. Temp: 12 dp 7 (later dp 5) Visibility: Leck (max), Eggborough (increasing Drax). Cloud: initially 5ok deep stratocumulus actively developing and growing with variable wind related. Becoming more strato 9ok and stable as afternoon progressed. Pressure: gradual fall 1018 @ 1400, 1017 by 1700.

One of the few BHG > NW (c) DCB
Swifts and hirundines very active in upper sky initially during unstable conditions with some of the Swifts drifting unusually SW with the wind. Swift movement tended to be in waves, one moment very directional and the next less so. Sky scoping revealed appreciable numbers of both House Martins and Swallows in the upper sky along with many Swifts (cloudbase variable 2000 / 4000 ft) which were just very active without moving far. As the afternoon progressed and conditions became more stable, first the hirundines and then the Swifts disappeared. Gulls were more in evidence that during the last few visits with both loafing and moving birds (> NW ~ N) in and over the area. The very large post breeding flocks of Starlings appeared to have left the area with only 27 being seen today, with the Sparrowhawk still hoping!

Loafing BHG (c) DCB
Birds in the sky:
Swifts with some drift SW
House Martins
Starling much reduced to 27
Black headed Gull 28 > NW / N, 11 max loafing.
Lesser black backed Gull 14 NW / N, 6 loafing.
Herring Gull 1 > NW
Oystercatcher 4