Herons Yesterday 24-09-2008
Very interesting that you also had migrating Grey Herons yesterday down the east coast. Grey Herons going over in flocks here at Oxenhope are very uncommon..... they must like the anticycloinc conditions to move in. Did your groups of Grey Herons look anything like these four moving NW in a single very tight group?
I montaged 5 snaps together to save on sending individual photographs..... each group of four birds is a single snap showing the birds as they approached, went past and away.

Montage of five snaps of a group of four distant Grey Herons moving > high NW (c) 2008
Click to make it Bigger!

Same four Grey Herons going past > NW (c) 2008

Grey Heron > NW (c) 2008
Hi Dave
Yes my Grey Herons looked exactly like yours – although I forgot to photograph them! Perhaps we would see more herons if we spent more time at our watch points during high pressure systems. Sadly here in Britain there generally just aren’t enough big birds (raptors, herons, storks etc) to justify the amount of time it would take. Having said that, sits on the south coast do a lot better than we do further north, not surprisingly.
The Trektellen graph for Herons at GB sites shows that there is a marked passage period during the last three weeks of Sept.
Trektellen.nl Graph for Grey Herons at UK migration sites
Click to make it bigger!
for this and graphic representations of other moving species in both this and other European countries.
The map in the BTO mig atlas shows a lot of movement from Scandinavia in a SW direction across the North Sea, UK and some across the Irish Sea and the time of year now ties in with with this movement described. The topography here at our watchpoint at Oxenhope is such that it often channels westward and even SW moving birds NW as it passes us so i wouldent put too much reliance on the NW direction which may well have been locally induced.
Clive and Dave