Stonechat Male (c) 2008

Oystercatchers over the Water (c) 2008
0755 -1030hr DCB, HC, MD.
E F4, 4degC, vis 20km max, 8/8 haze, QNH 1006 steady
A bitter cold morning, the east wind allowing no shelter. Very little in the sky except for masses of LBB Gulls all going directions north. A very big influx this week with large groups of mainly adults both in the fields and on the water totalling 100's as well as those in the sky. Later in the morning Mark telephoned from Sugden End to say that there were c 150 in the fields there! Just a few mipits in the sky shooting west with the tail wind! and four alba wagtails which touched down briefly on the wave wall. A pair of Stonechat around the watchpoint were worth watching.
Moving Birds:
LBB Gull c350 > N
Meadow Pipit 4 > W
alba wagtail 4 > N
Stonechat 2
Oystercatcher 2

Oystercatchers (c) 2008

Stonechat Female (c) 2008