Oxenhope 30/31-05-2009

Lesser Black backed Gulls kettleing high and drifting NW (c) 2009
Bird vis.....
0730 - 1600hr Dave Barker / Howard Creber
SE F3 - ENE F5, 14.5degC rising 21degC max, 30 increasing 85km, 1/8 cumulofractus, QNH 1031 falling 1028
Casual observations today as otherwise occupied with the Butterfly Conservation Painted Lady count.
Cuckoo 1 calling first thing
Starling c250 > mostly north
Corvids c50 > some north
LBBGull c300 > NW and S
BHGull 31 > S
Linnet 9 > NE
House Martin 3 > NW in pm
Swifts moving south
0730 - 1130hr
ENE F3 /4, 12degC @ 0700hr, 30km, 1/8 open sky, QNH 1031 rising.
Painted Ladies, very few today with the ones on the move going east.
Loads of LBB Gulls coming in from the north with some moving S and some moving off NW. Fewer BHG today with only a handfull south. Also fewer Starlings but still leap frogging mainly north.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 376 > NW - S
BHGull 5 > S
Starling c60 > N and E
Greylag Goose 21 > SW
Canada Goose 6 > N
Oystercatcher 3 > NW
Swifts 32 > NE