Oxenhope 07-05-2009

Two Arctic Terns found at Leeshaw Oxenhope late am by Keith Moir... gone by 1400hr Three Images (c) 2009 Brian Vickers

Peace and Tranquillity at Oxenhope Watchpoint (c) 2009

Major Movement of Dunlin late this afternoon!! sorry about the "aeo" shot but thats all that time would allow!! (c) 2009 Double Click to make it Bigger!
1630 - 1845hr D Barker
SW F5, 14degC, 30km haze, 4/8, first better day after the rains, QNH 1010 rising then falling
Sadly no visit this morning as otherwise occupied, so I missed the terns at Leeshaw, see Brians excellent photos above, but made up for it this afternoon in catching a major movement on Dunlin, continuing on from the previous few days. At 1750hr a large group of nine appeared to come in from high east, circled the water and eventually came down on the only bit of shore available..... more or less in front of me!... see the photo above. They stayed for about 45 seconds before a Lapwing also on the shore alarmed and that was it they were off in the air again, and eventually off high north west. At 1815hr another flock of five small waders was noted circling the water..... scoping confirmed four Dunlin and a Ringed Plover, these did not land and left again high WNW. At 1834hr yet another flock of pure Dunlin, five this time came low over the water in front of me, off the north end and away.
Moving Birds:
Arctic Tern at Leeshaw 2
Dunlin 18 > NW
Ringed Plover 1 > NW
Lesser Black backed Gull 16 > NW
Swallow 6 > N
Whinchat still on the reserve (please do not approach or disturb this / these birds in any way as we want them to stay this year!!)
Wheatear 9 + many others on the in-bye walls not counted