Oxenhope... 2012-08-27

Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Monday 27 August 2012
Counting period: 5:55-12:00
Weather: wind var0, cloud-cover 2/8, precipitation rain, visibility 60000m, temperature 10 ℃, wind becoming SSE F2 3ok, 65000m, sky soon overdrawing 7ok, ultimately 9ok, S F5, heavy rain, 15degC, QNH 1013 falling 1009
Observers: Dave Barker, Howard Creber, Lester Ward, Chris King
Moving Birds:
Cormorant 1 -
Swallow 100 -
Snipe - 19
House Martin 1 -
Curlew - 4
Tree Pipit 2 -
Black-headed Gull 10 -
Meadow Pipit * 111 12
Lesser Black-backed Gull 84 -
Song Thrush 1 -
Herring Gull 1 -
Goldfinch 10 -
Collared Dove 1 -
Linnet 1 -
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 -
Totals: 359 individuals, 15 species, 6:05 hours
Present: Redstart 1, Spotted Flycatcher 1
Comments: A different day to yesterday now at the trailing edge of the ridge. Virtually everything moving high and west, starting with very high mip parties then swallows and even a great spotted woodpecker. Gulls as usual a mixture in the normal directions. A Collared Dove fast west was perhaps the most unusual bird today. Ideal Snipe conditions as the weather closed down and most other movers petered out. On the way home in pouring rain over the "trough" a massive congregation of swallows, several hundred strong were milling and packed over the in-bye and low moor in response to an obvious block.