Oxenhope.... curlew still on territory! 04-08-2010

Swallow at Sunset... (c) 2010

Snipe going West 3#6.... the first of the season in the sky!... (c) 2010

Territoriallity!...still (c) 2010
1400 - 1435hr
Raven 2
Cormorant 1 NW
Herring Gull 2
LBB Gull 390
BH Gull 166
Brian Vickers
W F4, 14degC, 65km, 6/8, QNH 1007 rising after troughing during the morning.
1840 - 2150hr
Moderate rain starting at c0500 to 0900hr approaching from WNW. Very heavy just a short distance south of us... down to c Sheffield... we were just on the very northern edge. Bright pm with scattered cloud, remaining more or less dry with NW wind. Birdwise comparativly few blackheads tonight but lessers quite strong with the main flow and departure still to the NW. Six Snipe, the first of the season went west and very interestingly at least two families of Curlew still exceedingly territorial on the in-bye nursery grounds in high alarm. A Dunlin was heard over the water at 2115hr. At 2120hr 15 Curlew came in to roost... more than seen in recent days but we havent been stopping as late as this. Again no mipits west this evening!!
Moving birds:
Wheatear 4
LBB Gull 351
BH Gull 199
Common Gull 3
Curlew 1
Snipe 6
Dunlin 1
Curlew 6
Curlew 15 in to roost