REPORT: Oxenhope 17-11-2007

Breaking Stratus (c) 2007
0745 - 1015hr (Dave Barker)
WSW F3, 5degC, 20km, 7/8 reducing 5/8. QNH 1020 rising.
Overcast with stratus initially but cloud gradually breaking to become 1 okta by 1130hr. Some very light drizzle just before the end of the watch but otherwise dry. Reservoir water levels have dropped considerably (-1050) during the last week and there are now several bird rich islands showing.
Birdwise there was a definate passage of Brambling west throughout the morning with four parties totalling 23 seen along with several birds or parties that were heard only and not seen. A single party of Woodpigeon totalling c125 > north at 0935hr, was all that were seen. These were flying in a high determined and direct group above Oxenhope Moor to the west of the watchpoint. A Knot and a Dunlin were located on one of the islands but were both under constant pressure from the Lapwings (115). Eventually the Lapwings won, driving the Knot and Dunlin away and both waders left high to the SE together, obviously on their way! Otherwise the skies, wood and moor were silent and empty of small birds until almost packing up time when a Snow Bunting was at first heard tue calling on aproach and then seen going SE low over the open moor to the SW of the watchpoint. The bird continued and was watched until lost from view. A very sparce "end of season" morning but with excellent birds!
Moving Birds:
Brambling 23+ > W
Woodpigeon 126 > N
Knot 1 > SE
Dunlin 1 > SE
Common Gull 21 > S
BH Gull 12 > S
LBB Gull 1 > S
Snow Bunting 1 > SE
No Starlings!
Stonechat 2
Rook 2
Carrion Crow 4
Lapwing 121
Goldeneye 5
Goosander 2
Mallard 35