Oxenhope 30-09-2008

Dawn this Morning.... looking East, just drizzle (c) 2008

Still as grey with moderate rain later on (c) 2008
0740 - 0925hr
W F4 / F5, 8.5degC, 5.5 - 20km, 8/8 low stratus, light to moderate rain, QNH 1004 falling 1002.
A terrible morning to be out! with rain for most of the time and cloudbase down (c1400ftasl) over the tops but once deckchaired out behind the wall, with waterproof togs it really was fine albeit a little damp!! To the east conditions were better with higher cloud and apparently less rain, this concurring with the local weather forecast. Fractus from the tops was streaming off the moor out to the east but never seeming to get too far before breaking up. The birds were moving much better than expected with 37 mipits in groups of up to 6 moving SW into the wind. A phenominal total of 57 Snipe in mainly small groups comming from the east and straight on to the west went past. Movement was at all levels between just above the ground (one large flock comming up the valley) and up to just below the cloudbase. As usual they were quite vocal with higher ones that might have got away declareing their presence quite loudly. The following flocks and groups were noted throughout the visit: 1,3,1,6,11,5,21,1,2,4,1,1. I dont think this is quite a record for here but its getting close and if the visit had been full length without doubt more would have been seen. The only other birds on the move were a single Swallow south and a handfull of LBB Gulls going the same way.
Moving birds in orderof appearance:
Meadow Pipit 37 > SW
Snipe 57 > W
Swallow 1 > S
LBB Gull 6 > S

Fractus streaming off the moor (c) 2008