Oxenhope... supermoon! 19-03-2011

Old Faithful back.... ! (c) 2011

"goldeneye".... (c) 2011

Goldies over the in-bye... pre breeding assembly (c) 2011

Curlew... (c) 2011

More Goldies... (c) 2011

More goldies.... (c) 2011
A brilliant morning to be out with a good early surge of high mipits but movement continuing right through the day. Fieldfare also moving E and NE during the morning with HC also having a large flock over the village early pm. Starlings in small groups moving north. Redshank back on site this weekend with three very mobile birds together. Now a small congregation of Oystercatchers with six in the fields and "old faithful" back on site with mate! Goldies still increasing with c60 in two groups... still lots of congregating Curlews about but Lapwings becoming dispursed. A Raven put on a good show and seven Goldeneye were stunning with the males in display.... All afternoon on the high moor til 1800hr but still pretty empty of birds with only a very few mips and curlews in evidence although another Raven went through very high without deviating. The end of the day was special with the massive "supermoon" eventually rising above the murk!