Oxenhope.... herring explosion! 20-06-2010

Herring, Lesser bb, and Black headed Gulls... a huge Herring Gull influx today.... ten images... (c) 2010
NNE F3, 8degC, 30km, 4/8, QNH 1021 rising
0700 - 1230hr
Quiet initially except for the gulls which from first thing were piling through... then from 0920 a broadfront trickle of Swifts north, mostly hugging the ground low... quite possibly missed this earlier on due to pre occupation with the gulls. Three Ravens spent some time in the sky before drifting off south.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 356 > N and NW
Swift 293 > N
Raven 3 > S
NW F1 rising F3, 22degC, 65km, 7/8 humid, QNH 1022 rising
1600 - 2030hr
Gulls influxing again with a massive (for here) arrival and swift departure of Herring Gulls totalling 12, being mostly second summer birds. More BHG's than late as well with lots of interest inamongst with the mottly lessers! Very high feeding parties of Swift were of interest, but there was so much going on lower down that these had to take a back seat!! A few Curlew went high west towards the end of the visit.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 309 > N and NW
Swift estimate 200
Herring Gull 12 > NW
BH Gull 16 > NW
Curlew 7 > W