Oxenhope... before the storm! 26-06-2010

Yellow legged Gull (2s).... (c) 2010

Yellow legged Gull (2s)... (c) 2010

Yellow legged Gull (2s).. (c) 2010

Common Gull (1s)... (c) 2010

Herring Gull (ad)... with lessers (c) 2010

Herring Gull (ad)... with lessers... (c) 2010

Herring Gulls (ads)... with lessers (c) 2010

Peace and Tranquillity... before the storm! (c) 2010
0930 - 1200hr
A large influx of gulls moving in all directions with many more adult lesses today. A Yellow legged Gull dropped in very briefly between 1035 and 1050 hr after which it left to the NW and ultimately went north. A Cormorant went very high NW and a couple of LR Plovers dropped in briefly before leaving W.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 620
BH Gull 52
Cormorant 1 > NW
Yellow legged Gull 1 > N
Common Gull 1
Curlew 10 > W
LR Plover 2 > W
Lapwing 4 > W
Herring Gull 2
SE F4 becoming CALM then SW F2, 23degC, 20km reducing 1000m in rain, 6/8 increasing 8/8 cunim, thunderstorms, QNH 1016 falling.
1430 - 2100hr
A muggy afternoon cumulating in rapidly developing cunim with a narrow band of thunderstorms tracking south down the eastern side of the Pennines commencing here at 1930hr... stuck it out for c90 minutes by which time the worst of the conditions had moved slightly east but lightning was erratic and not far away at times so for safeties sake decided to draw stumps early especially seeing as the storm had sluffened the birds.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 466
Herring Gull 9
Common Gull 1
Swift 2 > SE
Curlew 2 > W
BH Gull 36