Oxenhope... the end is near! 09-05-2010

Common Sandpiper... pair... (c) 2010

Hedge Sparrow... a very rare visitor to the watchpoint!
E F1 rising E F4, 7deg (heavy frost first thing), 65km, 0/8 increasing 8/8 stratocumulus, QNH 1016 falling.
0700 - 1100hr
With the exception of the lessers a morning of cold crisp empty skies initially. A Cuckoo came in from the south east perched briefly in the wood before going on NW. A Herring Gull passed N with the lessers. No hirundines or Swifts at all to day. The most interesting thing this morning was a Dunnock pair which arrived at the watchpoint and chased around abit before moving off, only to return a short while later. They were at very close range and the immediate environs were without doubt attracting them!!
Moving Birds:
LBB Gull 106
Herring Gull 1
Cuckoo 1
Dunnock 2