Oxenhope... gulls gulls gulls!... 24-07-2010

Wheatear surge!... (c) 2010

Wheatear... young, very young migrant!... (c) 2010

Yellow legged Gull.... (c) 2010

A dark end bird!!... (c) 2010

Yellow legged Gull.... (c) 2010

Yellow legged Gull.... (c) 2010

Gulls Gulls Gulls!.... Click to make it a bit bigger (c) 2010
0630 -0810hr
Yellow legged Gull 2
LBBGull 35
BH Gull 155
Swift 3
Common Sand 1
Wheatear 1
Sand Martin 10
Brian Vickers
WSW F3, 16degC, 65km, 4/8, QNH 1022 rising after ridging at c midnight and then falling.
0850 - 1245hr
Mipits were everywhere as I was arriving but later on not one to be seen. Wheatears were creeping through and prominent for the first time this autumn.... waders were few but gulls were prolific in the sky and moving all the time with flocks of blackheads up to c150 coming in... in addition many were scoped out over Airedale with the main direction this morning being NW... travel also noted from the N and also the NE. There were good numbers of dark end lessers within the mix. A Succession of Yellow legged Gulls throughout the day, all short stayers, was no doubt the resultant of the return of the north westerly flow. After midday as I was leaving Swallows looked as if they might be on the move with a sucession of parties there one minute but gone the next!
Moving birds:
Wheatear 15
Swift 73
Sand Martin 6
LBB Gull 241 + 295 + 104 (hour counts)
BH Gull 670 + 950 + 300 (hour counts)
Common Gull 15
Herring Gull 3
Yellow legged Gull 1
Common Sand 3
Dunlin 1
Swallow... no count
Curlew 4
1430 - 1530hr
BH Gull 478
LBB Gull 106
Common Gull 7
Herring Gull 1
Oystercatcher 1
Yellow legged Gull 1
Brian Vickers
WSW F4, 16degC, 65 becoming 5km obscured by rain, 6/8 becoming 9/8, QNH 1020 falling
1530 - 2100hr
A good start but with rain setting in at c1800, light at first but becoming quite wet... this did not stop the gulls but all had gone by 2015 when I decided to pack up. Three Ringed Plovers came in from the NE at 1940hr.
Moving birds:
BH Gull 590
LBB Gull 195
Herring Gull 1
Common Gull 6
Yellow legged Gull 1
Common Sand 1
Wheatear 1
Curlew 2
Ringed Plover 3
Swift 6
Grey Partridge pair with 10 big flying young.
Oystercatcher 1