Oxenhope.... terrible! 11-11-2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Thursday 11 November 2010
Counting period: 7:20-8:20
Weather: Little wind increasing S F5 and more, 2degC, 10km, 8/8 rain, QNH 981 falling 979
Observers: Dave Barker
Totals: 0 individuals, 0 species, 1:00 hours
Comments: Open sky til c0300 then rain throughout heavy at times. Wind o/night from SW, the becoming slight before picking up S from dawn and strengthening dramatically. QNH falling quickly throughout. Viit to Low watchpoint today! Sat in car looking through open window looking north for an hour.... quite dry in there as wind from behind but no birds! Terrible morning!!
Thursday 11 November 2010
Counting period: 7:20-8:20
Weather: Little wind increasing S F5 and more, 2degC, 10km, 8/8 rain, QNH 981 falling 979
Observers: Dave Barker
Totals: 0 individuals, 0 species, 1:00 hours
Comments: Open sky til c0300 then rain throughout heavy at times. Wind o/night from SW, the becoming slight before picking up S from dawn and strengthening dramatically. QNH falling quickly throughout. Viit to Low watchpoint today! Sat in car looking through open window looking north for an hour.... quite dry in there as wind from behind but no birds! Terrible morning!!