Oxenhope... Curlews on the move 27-06-2009

A Montage!! Curlews on the move NW in ones, twos and threes (c) 2009
1630 - 2015hr
E F2/3 - NE F2/1 reducing, 20degC, 15 reducing 3km, 8/8 cloudbase reducing in height throughout to give ultimate fog stratus and drizzle!, QNH 1017 falling.
Fog and low cloud during the first part of this morning lead to a late afternoon visit here today. Autumn really is here! Curlews were the feature of the visit.... frequent contacts from noisy birds in ones, twos and threes at well spaced intervals all moving NW. Lesser black backs were again moving strongly NW often sourced from a large everchanging loafing group on the water. B H Gulls also still picking up. A Herring Gull and a first summer GBBGull also leaving NW were interesting. The bird of the day however was a Spotted Redshank heard approaching from the distance at 1955hr just prior the cloudbase closing in. It came in from the NE over the wall about half way on and continued low over the water and on SW over the moor with well spaced calls throughout. Most likely, at this time, a female. Through the scope despite the poor light it was a beautiful dark bird! Red Admirals moving N both during the morning and the first part of this visit now replacing Painted Ladies?
Moving Birds:
Curlew 17 > NW
Red Admiral 5 > N
LBB Gull 129 > NW
BH Gull 31 > NW
Swift 90 > E and NE into the wind and reducing cloudbase!
Herring Gull 1 > NW
GBB Gull 1 > NW
Spotted Redshank 1 > SW