Oxenhope... the turn of the seasons! 13-11-2010

A Weak pre Sunrise Sky... (c) 2010

Downpours.... one after another!... (c) 2010

Glorious gaps in between!... (c) 2010

Dark and Evil.... sleet and hail!! (c) 2010

A Brief Tranquil Sky.... (c) 2010

Next lot Invades!... (c) 2010

And yet more on the way!!... (c) 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Saturday 13 November 2010
Counting period: 7:30-12:00
Weather: WSW F5 gusting more, 5degC, 65 reducing 1000m in rain/sleet, 8/8 improving 4/8, QNH 988 rising/steady
Observers: Dave Barker
Moving birds:
Woodpigeon - 3
Goldfinch 2 -
Greenfinch 10 -
Totals: 15 individuals, 3 species, 4:30 hours
Comments: Frequent showers overnight becoming more prolonged during the morning with rain/sleet/hail/snow asstd with cunim. Wind WSW with QNH rising then steady. Again very few birds in the sky and nothing apparent except gulls using the area... winter draws near... big bad weather clearout over the last few days.... somebody must be getting birds?