Oxenhope...blackheads break! 21/22/23-06-2010

shaggy moult!.... (c) 2010

The first juv blackhead tonight 23-06-2010.... (c) 2010
Sorry its a few days overdue but better late than never!
W F1, 23degC, 65km, 2/8, QNH 1022 steady
1830 - 1930hr
A short stay this evening as other things to do but nevertheless worthwhile as the visit captured a real influx of Lapwings which went off NW.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 142 > N and NW
Lapwing 137 > NW
Curlew 2 > W
WNW F3, 23degC, 45km, 1/8, QNH 1022 falling
1830 - 2130hr
Quite a bit of interest tonight with a few moving waders and a pick up in blackhead passage....
Moving Birds:
LBB Gull 174 > N and NW
Herring Gull (1s) 1 > NW
Oystercatcher 7 > NW
Black headed Gull 15 > NW
Curlew 6 > W
W F3, 22degC, 35km haze, 6/8, QNH 1022 falling
1845 - 2130hr
A big increase in blackhead passage and probably the start of the deluge from the breaking colonies... the first juv blackheads of the year passed through albeit only two... but adults and first summers were the strongest of the season to date. Otherwise pretty standard but another grand evening to be out!
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 181 > N and NW
Black headed Gull 54 > NW
Swift 10 > SW
Curlew 3 > W