Oxenhope... just steady! 13-10-2010

Cold and Grey... yet again!... (c) Howard Creber 2010
Milky.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

Lonesome Crow.... (c) Howard Creber 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Wednesday 13 October 2010
Counting period: 7:00-12:00
Weather: CALM to NW F1, 5degC, 20km, 8/8 to 3/8, Cold grey start followed mid morning by warmth and hazy sunshine. QNH 1024 falling
Observers: Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Grey Plover 1 -
alba wagtail sp. 38 -
Brambling 5 -
Lapwing 28 -
Fieldfare 21 -
Greenfinch 16 -
Common Snipe 7 -
Song Thrush 2 -
Goldfinch 26 -
Woodpigeon 44 -
Redwing 222 -
Siskin 3 -
Skylark 7 -
Mistle Thrush 3 -
Lesser Redpoll 3 -
Swallow 1 -
Jackdaw 13 -
Reed Bunting 2 -
Meadow Pipit 151 -
Starling 91 -
bunting sp. 1 -
Grey Wagtail 1 -
Chaffinch 64 -
Totals: 750 individuals, 23 species, 5:00 hours
Comments: Broken becoming overcast overnight and remaining so til mid morning then first sun and remainig open for daylight hours. Almost calm then light and variable with QNH essentially steady. Unable to sustain yesterday`s spectacular (not unexpected), but nonetheless, an enjoyable watch in what became warm and very tranquil conditions. BV was down in the clough and we exchanged hand signals - however, I stood my ground and stayed. Very milky/murky horizon skies prevented any meaningful long distance scanning. Thrush wise, little evidence of fresh arrivals - a much needed change in the weather is now needed to build and induce the next push!. Chaffinch continued their easterly move in low but steady numbers (64 in 26 seperate groups) and Mipits were still on the go (largest flocks - 2x 18). A Bunt sp. - Lap/Snow - was picked up at distance but at range I was unable to differentiate on call (08.40 hrs). Bird of the day was first picked up on trisyllabic call - a Grey Plover - which was eventually located very high and directly over the watchpoint, circling before heading off high south (10.50 hrs). Alba`s were quite strong with a close single flock of 16 at 07.35. Swallow`s have just about petered out - just the one. Six Snipe in a single flock directly overhead was good to see. Lets see what the `morrow brings !..... Redwing - 222 mainly E.... Song Thrush - 2 E... Fieldfare - 21 W.... Mistle Thrush - 3 E.... Mipit - 151 S.... Greenfinch - 16 E.... Chaffinch - 64 E.... Goldfinch - 26 E.... Siskin - 3 SE.... Brambling - 5 E.... Reed Bunting - 2 E.... Lesser Redpoll - 3 E.... Swallow - 1 E... Alba Wag sp. - 38 S.... Grey Wag - 1 SE.... Wood pigs - 44 E.... Bunt sp. - 1 E.... Starling - 91 W.... Jackdaw - 13 W.... Skylark - 7 E.... Grey Plover - 1 SE.... Lapwing - 28 high W.... Snipe - 7 W....
Howard Creber