Oxenhope... niagara! 21-07-2010

The Morning After.... Niagara!... (c) 2010

Water Water Everywhere!... (c) 2010

White Water... a rageing torrent!... (c) 2010

Bombus monticola... (c) 2010

Common Blue... (c) 2010

Northern Eggar.... (c) 2010
WF3, 14degC, 65km E, 45km NW, 8/8, QNH 1003 rising... troughing out 1002 at 0400h
0750 - 1000hr
Very heavy rain until 2300hr then becoming showers with some longer periods of rain dying out at c 0300hr. Fractus down over the hills at first light but soon becoming bright and clear. Torrenting water everywhere but few birds and hardly any gulls in the sky. Only two Ringed Plovers seen leaving but there sounded to be more a Little Ringed Plover also went off.
Moving birds:
Ringed Plover 2
Little Ringed Plover 1
LBB Gull 74
BHGull 12
Curlew 5
Again virtually no gulls or infact anything else in the sky in relative terms. A couple of Ringed Plover came in at 1930hr but soon went off very high SW. A Little Ringed Plover went off with them but in the end this dropped back down.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 6
BH Gull 168
Herring Gull 1
Ringed Plover 2
Swift 15
Footnote... a flock of Curlew going over home at 2235 calling. Also some Canadas heard over a little earlier.