Caldene Fields Watchpoint 28-10-2008

Sunrise over Caldene Fields this morning (c) MP 2008

Wood Pigeons POURING South (c) MP 2008
Caldene Fields, Low Moor, Bradford
Woody Record Smashed as birds pour through here !
28th October 08 Watch 06.30 – 09.15
Weather: A cold dry start with a heavy ground frost. 30% high patchy cloud with clearer skies to the east. There was only a slight hint of a N/W wind and a temp –1c. These conditions changed little for the whole watch apart from a slight increase in heavy cloud coming in from the S/W around 08.45. Visibility to 11 miles reducing slowly to around 8 miles around 08.30.
Comments: I thought after yesterdays mini watch that Woodies would be on the move, but I never thought my previous daily record would be ‘ Smashed ‘ as birds poured through to the south in vast numbers. Birds were flying purposely because of the drop in temperature and a slight tail wind. The movement here was not on a broad front as only 2 parties flew directly over the watchpoint all other birds were moving over the farmlands of East Bierley, Birkenshaw, Gomersal , Heckmondwike and beyond. The majority of birds were travelling fairly high and in some very large parties.
A breakdown of events :
A total of 42 parties were observed, large groups were 3 x 650+, 1 x 400+, 5 x 300+, 3 x 200+, 9 x 100+
First birds seen at 06.51=2
06.51 to 07.13 = 1,232
07.13 to 07.37 = 3,970 including 2 parties of 650+
07.37 to 08.20 = 2,006 including 1 parties of 350+
08.20 to 09.15 = 261 including 1 party of 100
Greenfinch were also moving in excellent numbers, and a single party of 20 Jackdaw was interesting.
Black Headed Gull > 47 S/S/W
Wood Pigeon > 7,469 S A new site record!
Alba Wagtail > 8 S
Starling > 118 W/S/W
Redwing > 25 N + 18 S/S/W = 43
Mistle Thrush > 1 N
Jackdaw > 22 N
Carrion Crow > 23 S/S/W + 4 N/W = 27
Skylark 1 S first passage bird this autumn!
Chaffinch > 13 S
Greenfinch > 109 S/W A new site record!
Goldfinch > 4 S
Redpoll > 11 S + 2 N/W = 13
100+ unidentified Geese N ( probably PFG )
Martyn Priestley