Oxenhope.... golden thread! 12-03-2011

Golden Plover overhead!... (c) 2011

Golden Plover pre breeding assembly... (c) 2011

Golden Plover pre roost... (c) 2011

Golden Plovers... more come in (c) 2011

Curlews... in to roost... (c) 2011

Roost drops in.... the first to come (c)
S F2, 10km, quite warm, Light rain becoming established from the SW.
Assembling and roosting waders still the theme. A big arrival of Golden Plovers over the last week with a total 45 currently assembling in the area... the pre roost contained 36 birds. Lapwings now becoming territorial, displaying and spread around the in-byes. Curlews still assembling in the area with the largest single flock coming in to roost 35 birds. Snipe also back and noisy this week on the in-bye. Still no mipits seen but may well do better tomorrow morning!...