Oxenhope... fire and ice! 20-12-2009

Mid December Pre-Sunrise over Soil (c) 2009

Pre-Sunrise Sky... looking West... Fog Stratus o'r The Moor (c) 2009

Sun Rises Quickly... (c) 2009

SNOW on approach from Lancashire.... (c) 2009

Cumulo Nimbus on Approach from over Lancashire (c) 2009

Cumulo Nimbus.... depositing!! (c) 2009
Nab Water col... (c) 2009
0800 - 1000hr Dave Barker, Howard Creber
W F4, -4 rising -2 degC terrific wind chill, 65km, 1-2/8 cu nim, lying snow with heavy snow showers, QNH 996 falling.
A fantasic but very severe morning to be out... fortunately all of the roads enroute except for the final pull had been well gritted and were very passable after last nights snow! A look on the net whilst on site confirmed our temperatures of -4 rising -2deg C were warm in relation to those just a little further east , with -6 to -8degC being widely reported over the Vale of York and beyond!! Anyway the sky was pretty quiet with only GBBG's and commons on the move, all travelling west or north west and making good progress into the warmth of the west!! All morning terrific cumulo nimbus could be seen out over Lancashire and depositing more seemingly appreciable snow... but during our stay it never got seriously within range of us... again these were very apparent on the rainfall radar!..... mobile internet a terrific addition to a long day in the field with "serious" conditions and implications... not to be missed at the rapidly reducing price! Much time was spent scanning the freezing open skies for skeins of Bewicks's apparently on "snowmigration" (hard weather movement) west and southwest across the Low Countries along with a good selection of other stuff from beyond and seemingly just reaching our shores... but sadly none were seen today....
Moving birds:
Great black backed Gull 12 > W
Common Gull 5 > W
Dave and Howard