GREETINGS FROM GRETNA.... just a few Starlings!

Gretna Green Starling Roost.... Remember the Bradford City Centre Roost Like This!!! (c) HC 2008
Here is a taster Dave - this has to be the most amazing birding spectacular Marian and I have ever witnessed..... - staggering, mindboggling, jaw dropping......................... birds started to appear over the B7076 at 15.45 hrs, steadily coalesced and went to roost at 16.30 hrs in the conifers behind the Gretna Green A74(M) motorway service station. As you can see, we were right underneath this lot - the downdraft has left my hair curly - left me looking like Kevin Keegan on a bad hair day!
I`m sure the Starling 33 birds in from top left and 67 down came thro` Oxenhope last Saturday - do you recognise it ?
I`m sure the Starling 33 birds in from top left and 67 down came thro` Oxenhope last Saturday - do you recognise it ?
A GREAT thankyou to Jean for advising of this undoubtedly "humongous" roost and to everyone else for the info on the other roosts..... all waiting for a visit!!
Howard Creber
Howard Creber