Oxenhope 29-09-2008

Dawn This Morning (c) 2008

Sunrise This Morning (c) 2008

Sky to the East.... Drax (Upper Humber) (c) 2008

Impending Rain from the West (c) 2008

Snipe Going West (c) 2008
0710 - 1030hr DB/HC
WF4 rising W F5, 7.5degC rising 12, 65km haze, 1/8 variable to 4/8, QNH 1017 falling.
A cool fresh morning with very few birds on the move. Sky always clear out to the east but frequent rain squalls encroacing from the west. Large numbers of blogging mipits seen again above the fields and in-bye to the north. Despite constant scanning with bins and scope, no Pink Feet could be located this morning.
Moving birds in order of appearance:
Meadow Pipit 106 > S
alba wagtail 7 > SW
Reed Bunting 1 > W
Greenfinch 5 > W
Redpoll 1 > W
Carrion Crow 6 > E
Stonechat 4
Starling 4 > SE
Snipe 6 > W
Hobby 1 > S
Swallow 2 > S

Montage.... A Snipe Overhead (c) 2008

Typical Party of Snipe Going West (c) 2008