Oxenhope.... pinks!! 06-10-2010

Deep blue after the Rain!.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

Pinks SE overhead!!.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

More pinks overhead!!!... (c) Howard Creber 2010

and yet More pinks overhead!!!.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

Mama... !!.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

The End Game!... (c) Howard Creber 2010

Looking NE... (c) Howard Creber 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Wednesday 6 October 2010
Counting period: 8:30-11:30
Weather: W F2/3, 12degC, 70km, heavy rain first thing then clearing with deep blue skies interspersed with showers, 1/8, QNH 997 rising
Observers: Howard Creber
Moving birds;
Cormorant - 2
Chaffinch 51 -
Pink-footed Goose 352 -
Greenfinch 3 -
Swallow 3 -
Goldfinch 16 -
Meadow Pipit 635 -
Siskin 15 -
alba wagtail sp. 4 -
Snow Bunting 1 - SE
Mistle Thrush 3 -
Reed Bunting 1 -
Starling - 14
Totals: 1100 individuals, 13 species, 3:00 hours
Comments: Open sky overnight til c0400hr then heavy frontal rain crossing from the WSW beginning to clear at c0745, when open sky heavy showers excepted for the rest of the morning. Wind from an easterly quarter overnight, then westerly from c0730. QNH falling then troughing 996 at 0530. Turned out to be a really good morning after an horrendous start. Weather forecast proved a total flop once again - say no more! Unexpectedly, heavy rains cleared at 0830 hrs leaving a sun bathed window for the vis and Mipits took full advantage. Still plenty moving through with the largest flocks being 121, 72 & 49. A steady stream right through the watch. Three closely spaced skeins of pinkies provided a spectacular sight in the deep blue skies - 129 @ 09.05, 141 @ 09.10 & 82 @ 09.30 hrs directly overhead. Just 3 Swallows today around 11.00 hrs. A single Snow Bunting high SE took some finding, but persistence paid off with a nice bin view. A very heavy shower hit at 11.30 hrs and I decided to try Oxenhope West to check out the vis there - see report below... Mipits - 635 SW... Chaffinch - 51 S... Siskin - 15 SE... Alba Wag - 4 W... Greenfinch - 3 SE... Pinkfooted Goose - 352 SE... Reed Bunting - 1 SE... Mistle Thrush - 3 NW... Snow Bunting - 1 SE... Goldfinch - 16 SE... Swallow - 3 S... Starling - 14 NW... Cormorant - 2 NW...
Counting period: 11:35-12:35
Weather: SW F4, 13degC, 70km, 3/8, heavy shower passing, QNH 1001 rising
Observers: Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Meadow Pipit 174 - Red Admiral 1 -
Goldfinch 1 -
Totals: 176 individuals, 3 species, 1:00 hours
Present: Raven 1
Comments: Oxenhope West 11.35 to 12.35 hrs...The Mipit vis was clearly on a broad front today with birds being picked up constantly over all quarters of what is a large open moorland area. 809 Mipits recorded in total between usual watchpoint and here..... Mipits - 174 SW... Goldfinch - 1 SW (with Mipits).... Raven .... Red Admiral - 1....
Wednesday 6th, 0930-1130,
Again today very quiet after the rain cleared a skein of Pinks passed over Oxenhope very high going North possibly 120+ at 0900. (observed from my lounge window )
Mpits 42,Coaltit 6, Chaffinch 12, Greefinch 8, Alba Wagtail 1, Gt Spotted Woodpecker 1,Goldfinch 10,
Brian Vickers