Oxenhope Watchpoint 10-04-2008

Early Morning Sky (c) 2008
0700 - 1145hr
SSW F3/4, 2 rising 11degC, 20km, 8/8 - 3/8, QNH995 steady.
Initially a cold flat overcast birdless morning, even the mipits wernt moving! However by 0900hr the sky had begun to clear, temperature was rising and birds were beginning to move through. Sand Martins and Swallows were going NW in small numbers and mipits in groups of up to eight. Lesser Black-backed Gulls were also continuing to fly through. At 0909hr a Hobby was picked up approaching from the south, it passed continuing NW over Sentry Hill and away. An interesting passage of Wheatears involved 16 individuals in two waves mid morning working along the embankment and away NW. At 1105hr the calls of an approaching Yellow Wagtail were heard, this passed high overhead and away onwards west. At 1115hr what was first thought to be another LBBGull turned out to be an Osprey as it crossed the water, onwards NW on the same track as the Hobby, beyond Sentry Hill and away NW. The bird of the morning however was a Moorhen!! very scarce at this site. As the morning progressed the skies cleared but towering cumulus began to develop and became widespread soon to become overcast again.
Moving Birds:
Moorhen 1
Oystercatcher 1 > NW
Sand Martin 5 > NW
Common Gull 15 > NW
Curlew 3 > NW
Lapwing 1 > S
Hobby 1 > NW
Meadow Pipit 61 > NW
Swallow 6 > N
Starling 1 > E
Wheatear 16 > NW
Linnet 10 > N
LBB Gull 31 > NW
Osprey 1 > NW
Rook 1

Open skies mid morning (c) 2008

Towering Cumulus rapidly developing beyond (c) 2008

LBB Gulls continuing to pass NW (c) 2008

Local Canadas (c) 2008

Rook!!! (c) 2008