Christmas Morning 2010....

Pendle... twixt wolf and crow... and beyond the Ark! (c) 2010

The East watchopint.... so near but yet so far! (c) 2010

Yorkshire Grit.... a "Queensbury" skyline!... (c) 2010

Moscow... with the north face of Soil beyond!... (c) 2010
Yet another cold, clear, calm sub zero pre dawn. After a good try, despite little snow cover, access still not possible to the watchpoint, except that is on foot... but nowhere to park for miles, so that was yet again out of the question today. So again a walk round the foothills. Open sky initially degenerated into overcast as the first arms of overcast associated with I think the next, well overdue Atlantic low trundled quickly south east bringing rising temperatures towards mid day, a tropical +1 degree as I write!. The only moving birds of note were a few Fieldfares tracking west over the frozen fields.... not a single gull in the sky today.