Oxenhope... fogged off! 06-03-2010

Residual Ice... with mist on the moor (c) 2010

Ice and Mist on the clear (c) 2010

In-bye.... conditions on the clear (c) 2010
Gates.... pea souper beyond! (c) 2010
N F1 rising N F3, 3degC, 60m becoming 3000m, 9/8 fog stratus, QNH 1028 rising.
0830 - 1130hr
A no-go morning with initial very localised rain (according to the radar) with poor visiblity throughout. No moving birds seen.
E F3, 3degC, 4000m becoming 10km, 8/8 strato sp becoming 7/8, QNH 1030 rising
1430 - 1630hr
An improving day with increasing visibility after lifting of cloudbase and ceasation of rain. Temperature falling. After such a poor morning thought i'd try again but the only moving birds were four Curlew in one loose flock going west..... better luck tomorrow?