Watchpoint 17-08-2005 eve
Members only watchpoint 17-08-2005 eve
Wednesday 17th August 2005.
1840 - 2030hr
A hot fair weather day with little cloud or wind. Wind: S F1-2. Temp: 22. Visibity: Elslack Moor / Pudsey, very hazy. Cloud: very little 1ok. Pressure: falling gradually all day but possibly troughing out with 1016 at 1840 and 1017 by 2030hr.
Flying ants tonight – from past experience – the one day of the year? Everything absolutely crawling, scope, trypod, me! But still good to be out. With the exception of about 20 Swallows going west there was no movement in the sky to be seen, The haze diddnt help, dramatically reducing effective vision by scope. Three Sand Martins were feeding briefly over the water at c1900 but they were not seen to arrive or depart. The main change since the last visit was a continuing increase in the Canada Goose numbers present with at least 113 present. About half of these were seen to leave to the east at 2015hr. Otherwise Gulls, 15 Curlew and a single Common Sandpiper was all there was to watch.
Moving birds:
Swallow 20 > W
Sand Martin
Herring Gull 1
Lesser black backed Gull 161+
Black headed Gull 243+
Common Gull 6
Mallard 36
Common Sandpiper 1
Canada Goose 113
Curlew 15 in to roost.
The Long Shore (c)

Canadas Galore (c)

Haze in the Hills (c)

A Good Night Sunset!!
Wednesday 17th August 2005.
1840 - 2030hr
A hot fair weather day with little cloud or wind. Wind: S F1-2. Temp: 22. Visibity: Elslack Moor / Pudsey, very hazy. Cloud: very little 1ok. Pressure: falling gradually all day but possibly troughing out with 1016 at 1840 and 1017 by 2030hr.
Flying ants tonight – from past experience – the one day of the year? Everything absolutely crawling, scope, trypod, me! But still good to be out. With the exception of about 20 Swallows going west there was no movement in the sky to be seen, The haze diddnt help, dramatically reducing effective vision by scope. Three Sand Martins were feeding briefly over the water at c1900 but they were not seen to arrive or depart. The main change since the last visit was a continuing increase in the Canada Goose numbers present with at least 113 present. About half of these were seen to leave to the east at 2015hr. Otherwise Gulls, 15 Curlew and a single Common Sandpiper was all there was to watch.
Moving birds:
Swallow 20 > W
Sand Martin
Herring Gull 1
Lesser black backed Gull 161+
Black headed Gull 243+
Common Gull 6
Mallard 36
Common Sandpiper 1
Canada Goose 113
Curlew 15 in to roost.
The Long Shore (c)

Canadas Galore (c)

Haze in the Hills (c)

A Good Night Sunset!!