Norr Hill 21-09-2007

The End of the Rain (c) 2007
Famous last words about getting up to Oxenhope whatever the weather... A terrible morning today with rain lashing down and low cloud / fog until well after lunch, so just an hour on Norr Hill this afternoon when the rain was just ceasing...
W F2, 45km, 14degC, 7/8, light rain ceasing.
No movement this afternoon but lots grounded with mipits grouped and scattered all over the hill and surrounding fields, easily a total exceeding 200. So you are right Clive there are still lots to come! A interesting congregation of Skylarks in the rough at the north end of the Hill with 21 counted in a single loose group together with a scattering of singles and twos over the Hill. Also a mixed group of c50 Swallows and House Martins (mainly Swallows) feeding around the animals, stables and in the updraughts. Otherwise just a few Linnets and Goldfinches. Apart from the hirundines nothing in the sky.
Was hoping for a good morning tomorrow but they are now forecasting FOG for us, I suppose it depends what sort of fog....