Oxenhope 25-08-2008

Emley Moor through Causeway Foot Col (c) 2008
0710 - 1200hr
SSW F4 rising SSW F6, 12degC initially, 65km hazy, 8/8 improving 2/8, QNH 1008 rising.
Totally empty and heavily overcast skys this morning. A line of more open sky could be seen far out to the east but no sun over this part of West Yorkshire. Also no blogging mipits, linnets and the like even initially when the wind speed was lower, so not very much to watch at all. The Wood was again empty.
Moving birds:
Swallow 3 > S, 1 > W
Meadow Pipit 2 > W
Collared Dove 1 > SW.... the best bird of the day!
LBB Gull 12 > S
Common Sandpiper 1 > W
Cormorant 1 on the valve tower + 1 in from the east (2 total)
Willow Warbler 1 singing briefly in waterside bushes
Common Sandpiper 2

The Sky clearing up at 1200 noon (c) 2008