Oxenhope.... yet more mips and tit explosion! 04-10-2010

Post sunrise... (c) Howard Creber 2010

Fumulus and inversion mist out to the east.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

The BIG Blue Yonder!.... (c) Howard Creber 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Monday 4 October 2010
Counting period: 6:50-13:50
Weather: S F1, 6 rising 16degC, 70km, 4/8 becoming 1/8 ac, sc, velum, QNH 999 ridging then falling
Observers: Howard Creber, Gordon Holmes
Moving birds:
Pink-footed Goose 60 -
Grey Wagtail 1 -
finch sp. 17 -
Common Buzzard 5 -
alba wagtail sp. 19 -
Greenfinch 67 -
Common Snipe 1 -
Ring Ouzel 1 -
Goldfinch 66 -
Skylark 5 -
Mistle Thrush 2 -
Linnet 46 -
Swallow 317 -
Jackdaw 15 -
Reed Bunting 5 -
House Martin 70 -
Starling - 27
Red Admiral 14 -
Meadow Pipit 984 -
Chaffinch 97 -
Totals: 1819 individuals, 20 species, 7:00 hours
Comments: Yesterdays fronts tracking NE and away from late PM yesterday. Open sky overnight with QNH rising, ridging at c0800 then falling. Inversion mist. Wind from WSW overnight becoming south, then light and variable....At long last, after 5 consecutive days of fog/mist, it was clear on the hills today. Murky only in the valley bottoms, an inversion. A beautiful spring like day, as untypically autumnal as one could get. Clear blue sky overhead did not however make for easy observation. Initially Mipits were coming through very high indeed, given away only by their seep`s. Some were seen but the bulk went unseen and thus uncounted. Plenty of finches and hirundines on the move also and again some went by heard but unseen in the clear blue yonder. Hence totals of these species are minima. One skein of Pinkies were picked up way out towards Stainburn, probably 20 miles distant. Five Buzzards moving through south (3 individuals and a pair) were well spaced out and interesting. The bird of the day was a Ring Ouzel acutally moving SE with a group of Swallows of all things, quite close in to the watchpoint and seen by both observers. The warm quiet conditions also gave rise to 14 Red Admirals (first at 10.05 hrs), 1 Peacock and 2 Small Copper`s..... Moving Birds :- Mipits - 984 SW... Mistle Thrush - 2 NW... Jackdaw - 15 NW... Greenfinch - 67 S... Chaffinch - 97 S... Goldfinch - 66 S... Linnet - 46 S... Finch species - 5 & 12 S... Alba Wag - 19 W... Grey Wag - 1 W... Swallow - 317 SE... House Martin - 70 SE... Ring Ouzel - 1 SE... Reed Bunting - 5 W... Skylark - 5 S... Starling - 27 NW (4 squadrons)... Buzzard - 5 S... Snipe - 1 NW... Pinkfeet - circa 60 S...
Howard and Gordon
PAUL CLOUGH 04-10-2010
0700 - 0915hr
At last a clear morning but with thrushless skies, although after a slow start the Tits and Finches made up somewhat for the total lack of thushes, a surprise not to see a single individual in the Clough at this time of year.
Meadow pipits 80, Bluetits 10, Great Tits 12, Coaltits 62, Long Tailed Tit 24, Bullfinch 7, Chaffinch 98, Greenfinch 61, Goldfinch 32, Redpoll 10, Swallows 14. Sparrowhawk 1.
Brian Vickers
Coal Tit moving up Paul.... (c) Brian Vickers 2010

Coal Tits..... moving off... (c) Brian Vickers 2010