Oxenhope... new years day 01-01-2010

Considerably more snow over the Moor... (c) 2009
0845 - 1030hr Dave Barker
NW F3, -4degC, 65km, intermittent heavy snow, 4 ok, QNH 1004 steady
Happy New Year to all from this Watchpoint. A bitter cold morning saved only by the sun... again great difficulty in reaching the watchpoint this morning with blowing snow drifting in the access roads... but nevertheless good to get out. Good also to test out the new Skype communication system, mobile to mobile, watchpoint to watchpoint with BS over the hill at Ogden. An admirable connection quality and all for FREE... much better than the standard service... great potential here for further expansion, I think. Vis was very thin in the air with only the gulls, still mostly moving west and a single small flock of woodies coming out of Lancashire over the moor and on to the east. Cold and when started the blowing snow also out of Lancashire soon got the better of me at this exposed and shelterless location.
Moving Birds:
Black headed Gull 35 > W
Common Gull 20 > W
Great black backed Gull 5 > W
Herring Gull 7 > W
Woodpigeon 31 > E