Oxenhope in the Rain 05-05-2009

Rapidly Vanishing Wader Shore.... and yet more rain today and to come in the near future!!(c) 2009

Now Flood filling from yesterdays rain (c) 2009
0630 - 0900hr D Barker
W F4/5, 8degC, 2000m, 8/8, moderate driving rain, QNH 1019 steady.
Another terrible morning but Lesser black backed Gulls still on the move. Driving rain and poor visibility much more to the west than the east. Nothing else moving at all. Yesterdays passage waders now all gone / not replaced by more. Reservoir flood filling and water level rising..... imminent extensive shore inevitablely delayed!! Well and truely doused today.
Moving Birds:
Lesser black backed Gull 27 > NW
1630 - 1745hr D Barker
W F5, 10.5degC, 500 - 1000m to the west - 30km to the east max, 8/8 heavy driving drizzle here over the hills and to the west dry to the east, QNH 1014 falling
Another dousing but worth it this time! Just on the edge of the rain front here, very wet to the west whilst dry to the east! Virtually a static rain front all day over NW England. Another pulse of grounded passage wading birds and Wheatears this afternoon more than likely just arrived due to the open conditions to the east / south east and total weather block to the west / north west. The wading birds were certainly fresh in since this morning as were the Wheatears. Water level rising rapidly!
Passage birds:
Black tailed Godwit 1 flushed and off N
Sanderling... an early bird?
Wheatear 20+ along the pitchings and wave wall in the south corner
Lesser black-backed Gull 17 total battling > NW