Oxenhope Painted Lady Count 30-05-2009

Painted Lady... the most worn individual I could find! (c) 2009

Another worn, very small individual (c) 2009

Metal birds in the sky.... low level vis! (c) 2009
Dornier 228-202K
Some even lower than this.... got sussed out by the Police helicopter early doors!

Swiss International Airlines.... going north (c) 2009

Under a Mid Day Moon... upper air vis! (c) 2009
0730 - 1600hr Dave Barker / Howard Creber
SE F3 - ENE F5, 14.5degC rising 21degC max, 30 increasing 85km, 1/8 cumulofractus, QNH 1031 falling 1028
A very poor butterfly migration today in relation to yesterday, Most Painted Ladies going north in contrast to west yesterday. All other species of butterfly except for the Dingy Skipper going NW. Interesting that the bombus bees were also going north today but only a very small fraction of yesterdays movement. The wind, quite variable within the limits quoted above got up at one time to F6 and white crests to the waves on the inland water indicated for most of the time F5.
Despite the haze above the ground the vertical visibility was very very clear..... hence the snaps of the areo vis!!
Today for a change I snapped the most worn and ragged individual I could find on the deck.
Dingy Skipper 1 > W @ 0851, the first butterfly
Green Veined White 1 > W @ 0919
Painted Lady from 0917hr 5 > N... a bit stop-start to begin with
Green Veined White 3 > NW
Painted Lady 19 > N + 10 out of range =29 > N
Large White 2 > NW
Painted Lady 9 > N + 10 out of range = 19 > N
Large White 1 > N
Green Veined White 1 > W
Painted Lady 2 > N + 2 out of range = 4 > N
Large White 3 > NW
Large White 1 > NW
Green veined White 3 > nW
Painted Lady 3 > N + 4 out of range = 7 > N
Large White 1 > NW
Painted Lady 1 > N
Small Tortoiseshell 1 > NW
Painted Lady 2 > N
Dave and Howard
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