Oxenhope 26-07-2008 eve

LBBGulls > high NW (c) 2008
1830 - 2120hr
W F2 falling F1, 20degC, Haze 15km increasing 60km, 1/8, QNH 1017 rising
Not the diversity in the birds tonight, a total contrast in all respects to last nights stormy picture. Again a large pre roost gathering with the majority of the small gulls leaving ENE at 1940hr and again at 2015hr. LBBGulls constantly overflying and filtering off NW all evening with a mass departure into the sun in multiple lines and skeins NW at 2100hrs. A few mipits overflew west as the evening progressed and several Pied Wagtails overflew SE presumeably to roost. By 2105hr the reservoir was deserted with not a gull to be seen on the water. Interesting that right up to past sunset the late LBBGulls high in the sky were all moving hard south!!
LBB Gull 810 > NW
BHGull 460 > ENE
Herring Gull 1 > NW
Common Gull 9 > ENE
Meadow Pipit 11 > W
Pied Wagtail 7 > SE

LBBGulls > NW (c) 2008

LBBGulls > NW (c) 2008

Sunset Tonight (c) 2008