Oxenhope 30-08-2008

Mountain, Queensbury.... HAZE (c) 2008

Linnets on the Move. (c) 2008
0710 - 1230hr
Calm - SSE F1 rising SE F5, 17degC initially, 5.5km, 8/8 2500ft, Dry, QNH 1018 falling.
After yesterdays taste of autumn, a "real do" this morning with not only the birds on the move south and west as the wind picked up but hundreds, yes hundreds of bombus sp, a few migrant moths and even a couple of dragonflies all powering WNW on the wind. Chaffinch were the first movers (must be dispersal at this time of year?) to become apparent with flocks of up to nine powering hard south, just like October! Mipits were few and far between but all were going west with just a few blogging in the sand pits. Linnets were phenominal with a total of 304 counted including a massive flock (thought to be disturbed by a raptor) of 0ver 200 with the majority going south. A loose group of four Tree Pipits passed SW with much "tzee" ing at 1015. a Peregrine powered purposefully south at 1054. A moderate group of Canadas were fresh back and included in the flock were a Barnacle and a Pinkfoot!!! origin doubtfull but nevertheless here!!. A total of three Sparrowhawks went west. Later in the morning very large numers of Gulls started appearing very high from the north, many overflew hard south but a few dropped down to the water.... we diddnt start counting the gulls until later so the numbers are an under representation as to the actual magnitude of the move.
Can anyone confirm the id of the Bumblebees from the snaps below.... the two appeared to be mating but there were hundreds on the move. Does anyone know anything about the moves / migrations? of these bees as they were really exciting this morning!
Moving birds:
Swallow 109 > S biggest group 55
Chaffinch 31 > S
Linnet 304 > S
Meadow Pipit 14 > W
alba Wagtail 4 > SW
Grey Wagtail 3 > W
Grey Heron 1 > E
Sparrow Hawk 3 > W
Tree Pipit 4 > SW
Wheatear 4 > SW incl at least one showing characteristics of Greenland race.
Peregrine 1 > S
Starling 3 > SE
Snipe 1 > W
LBBGull c457 > S minimum count
BH Gull c670 > S minimum count
Common Gull 6 > S
Others of significance:
Canada Goose 46 fresh back
Barnacle Goose with Canadas
Pink footed Goose with Canadas
Common Sand 2
Stonechat 2 (first birds of autumn yesterday but missed off the list!)
Mallard 18 influx
Kestrel 6
Tufted Duck 2

L to R, DB and HC, the Team this Morning (c) 2008

Mega Move of BH and LBBG > hard South (c) 2008

Giga Move of Bombus sp.... are these White Tailed Bumblebees? (c) 2008

White Tailed Bumblebee ?? (c) 2008

Headless Sparrowhawk..... dohhhhh !!! (c) 2008