Oxenhope 15-09-2008

Stratus Nebulosis Translucidus (c) H Creber 2008
0745 - 1100hr
SE F2/3, 11degC, 20km haze, 8/8 stratus, QNH 1027 rising.
Homogenous cloud this morning - the type we like with reasonable visibility out to Rombalds Moor - cloud type Stratus Nebulosus Translucidus - a thin stratus layer allowing position of sun to be seen.
Main thrust of VIS MIG occured between 07.45 & 09.30 hrs :-
Moving Birds:
Mipits - 830 (largest group - circa 120) - South
Alba Wag - 5 SW
Siskin - 6 S
Moorhen - Juv - 1 - flew from watchpoint side to west side of res
Linnet - 30 S
Chaffinch - 29 in 4 seperate groups - all in from North and out high South
Goldfinch - 18 S
Greenfinch - 1 S
Swallow - 125 S
House Martin - 5 S
Sand Martin - 2 S
Grey Wag - 1 NW
Wheatear - 5
Stonechat - 4
Skylark - 2 SW
Grey Heron - high E
Grey Lag Goose - 3 W
Snipe - 11 W
On res:-
Mallard - 12
Tufted Duck - 1 male
Shelduck - 2
Goosander (red head) - 15 off res early
Canada Goose - 3
Mistle Thrush - 1
Starling - 4
Blackbird - 1
Kestrel - 4
S/Hawk - 2
Red Grouse - 4
BH Gull - 48
LBB - 6
No sign of any Honey Buzzards unfortunately, despite much binning/scoping all am.
Howard Creber