Oxenhope 26-10-2008

Nimbostratus moving on south.... early morning (c)

Open sky approaching from the NNW (c) 2008
0730 - 1010hr DB/HC and Josh. GMT starts today
W F5 reducing W F4, 9.1 reducing 8.3 degC, 65km, 8/8 reducing 3/8, QNH 1010 rising 1011.
A terrible night of very heavy rain continuing into the early part of the morning before clearing from the north. Rains just stopping at the beginning of the count. As might be expected very few birds on the move and very few in evidence up here at all! No thrushes at all today and a further reduction in the number of Starlings with most of them passing NW during the first part of the morning. A Rock Pipit going high NW and a Peregrine W were interesting.
Moving Birds in order of appearance:
Starling 91 > NW
Meadow Pipit 5 > W
Chaffinch 4 > S
Greenfinch 8 > W
Jackdaw 2 > NW
Rock Pipit 1 > NW
Lapwing 87 > S
Peregrine 1 > W

Back edge of the front.... detail (c) 2008

Back edge of the front overhead (c) 2008

Sun comes out and open sky overhead (c) 2008