Oxenhope... thick a' mips! 07-08-2010

Mipits everywhere!... (c) 2010

Grey Wagtail.... first of the autumn! (c) 2010

Herring..... uncommon mid summer here! (c) 2010

Thick a' Mips.... as evening draws! (c) 2010

A Mottly Crew.... (c) 2010

The Last Hour!.... (c) 2010

Edge of Dark!.... (c) 2010
SSW F1/2, 14degC, 9000m, 7/8 intermittant mist and drizzle before brightening up, QNH 1011 rising all night.
0730 - 1330hr CJK/DCB
Mipits gently rolling through west deep and thick initially with congregations of 100+ on Sentry... and still creeping through over the lunchtime period in the same direction together with quite a few juv Swallows passing high in the sky. Rising pressure and improving conditions probably responsible for wader passage apparent despite the mist and drizzle with a group severn what could only have been Ringed Plovers through east at 0905, a Barwit west at 1005, Dunlin at 1110hr, Whimbrel SW at 1144hr and strangely although good... that was it for waders this morning in what seemed to be perfect conditions. Virtually no BH Gulls this morning although a few started to pass over the lunchtime period.
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 398
Ringed Plover 7
Dunlin 1
Bar tailed Godwit 1
Whimbrel 1
Curlew 1
BH Gull 34
Raven 1
Wheatear 5
Teal 1
Mallard 14
Swallow 31
Meadow Pipit
WNW F3 reducing F1, 19degC, 65km, 4/8 increasing 8/8 torrential rain at tea time, QNH 1014 rising 1018 by 2020hr
1430 - 2100hr BV, DCB, CJK
Blackheads thick and fast over the lunch and early afternoon slot... then only to fade out later on whilst the lessers kept coming strong. The first Grey Wagtail of the autumn came in. A terriffic downpour came down from the north... hitting us 1745 - 1845hr... but it brought nothing. The most interesting feature was the resurgence of mipits during the 1900 to 2000hr period with at least 101 counted west passing at close range
Moving birds:
LBB Gull 440
BH Gull 420
Common Gull 1
Grey Wagtail 1
Herring Gull 2
Swallow 4
Meadow Pipit 101
Oystercatcher 1
Curlew 2
Curlew 7