Watchpoint 24-08-2005
Members only watchpoint 24-08-2005 eve
Wednesday 24th August 2005
1915 – 2045hr
Weather and Sky:
An improved afternoon following a wet morning but heavy shower early evening ceasing upon arrival. A crisp, cool autumnal evening. Wind: W F3, reducing W F2. Temp: 10 (reduced after passage of rain). Visibility: Leck Fell / Bradford initially. Cloud: Heavy Cu sp cloud retreating east, with very clear blue open sky overhead and to west but with actively developing cumulus congestus and bigger later on (av 3ok). No cirro cloud and only a very small amount of altocumulus. No colour in sunset owing to clarity. Pressure: rapid fall overnight and through morning, troughing at c1200hr (999hpa), then rising during pm / early eve. 1001hpa.
Clear, cold, crisp, blue and empty skies. Only about six Swallows hawking in the lee of the wood, with no movement seen or heard. Swallows the only passerines seen. Only low 10’s of gulls (13 LBBG / 26 BHG) and no movement noted. Waders as last night.
Moving birds:
The sky tonight 24th August 2005 (c)
Wednesday 24th August 2005
1915 – 2045hr
Weather and Sky:
An improved afternoon following a wet morning but heavy shower early evening ceasing upon arrival. A crisp, cool autumnal evening. Wind: W F3, reducing W F2. Temp: 10 (reduced after passage of rain). Visibility: Leck Fell / Bradford initially. Cloud: Heavy Cu sp cloud retreating east, with very clear blue open sky overhead and to west but with actively developing cumulus congestus and bigger later on (av 3ok). No cirro cloud and only a very small amount of altocumulus. No colour in sunset owing to clarity. Pressure: rapid fall overnight and through morning, troughing at c1200hr (999hpa), then rising during pm / early eve. 1001hpa.
Clear, cold, crisp, blue and empty skies. Only about six Swallows hawking in the lee of the wood, with no movement seen or heard. Swallows the only passerines seen. Only low 10’s of gulls (13 LBBG / 26 BHG) and no movement noted. Waders as last night.
Moving birds:
The sky tonight 24th August 2005 (c)