Watchpoint 23-07-2005
Members only watchpoint 23-07-2005
Saturday 23rd July 2005 (SJ, DCB, JS and BV in pm)
0730 - 1100hr and 1415 – 1545hr
Weather and Sky:
An overcast almost windless day with very hazy vision – remaining similar thorough out. Wind: initially variable almost calm but by 1000hr S F1, becoming E F 1 by 1430 and NE F1 by 1535hr. Temp: initially 12 dp 9, becoming 13 dp 10 by 1100hr, 16 dp 11 by 1430hr and finally 17 dp 11 by 1530hr. Visibility: c10km throughout. Cloud: stratus 9ok through out. Pressure: gradual fall overnight continuing through day with 1011 @ 0840 and 1011 by 1535hr.
Very little moving in the morning sky at all. Night migration of Common Scoter evidenced by single male mainly sleeping on water throughout the morning. This bird was not present late last evening and was first seen before 0800hr this morning (SJ). Overstay possibly due to poor visibility / low cloud encountered enroute. Cloudbase at c0830hr c1600ft asl. No Swifts were seen at all and only a handful of Swallows (12) went through SE. A small group of five Skylarks were first heard and then see moving high east overhead and then away at 1050hr. Three Curlew went west.
During the afternoon, the Scoter left due to disturbance and a Whimbrel went on through, south repeatedly calling. The Curlew post breeding congregation had increased to 46, with Mallard at 26, both high counts for the site. Again no Swifts or moving hirundines were seen.
Moving birds:
Starling 26 > NW
Curlew 3 > W
Oystercatcher 2 > W
Skylark 5 > E
Swallow 12 > SE
Whimbrel 1 > S
Some movement > NW, W and S (LBBG, BHG, Common and Herring).
Some other:
Common Scoter 1 (see previous post below for photograph).
Linnet c15
Meadow Pipit 5
Curlew 46
Common Sandpiper 2
Mallard 26
Canada Goose 9
Common Gull 3
Lesser black backed Gull 83 +60 = 143
Black headed Gull 190 + 250 = 440
Herring Gull 2
Gulls lots loafing in afternoon.

Loafing Lesser black back Gulls (c) DCB
Saturday 23rd July 2005 (SJ, DCB, JS and BV in pm)
0730 - 1100hr and 1415 – 1545hr
Weather and Sky:
An overcast almost windless day with very hazy vision – remaining similar thorough out. Wind: initially variable almost calm but by 1000hr S F1, becoming E F 1 by 1430 and NE F1 by 1535hr. Temp: initially 12 dp 9, becoming 13 dp 10 by 1100hr, 16 dp 11 by 1430hr and finally 17 dp 11 by 1530hr. Visibility: c10km throughout. Cloud: stratus 9ok through out. Pressure: gradual fall overnight continuing through day with 1011 @ 0840 and 1011 by 1535hr.
Very little moving in the morning sky at all. Night migration of Common Scoter evidenced by single male mainly sleeping on water throughout the morning. This bird was not present late last evening and was first seen before 0800hr this morning (SJ). Overstay possibly due to poor visibility / low cloud encountered enroute. Cloudbase at c0830hr c1600ft asl. No Swifts were seen at all and only a handful of Swallows (12) went through SE. A small group of five Skylarks were first heard and then see moving high east overhead and then away at 1050hr. Three Curlew went west.
During the afternoon, the Scoter left due to disturbance and a Whimbrel went on through, south repeatedly calling. The Curlew post breeding congregation had increased to 46, with Mallard at 26, both high counts for the site. Again no Swifts or moving hirundines were seen.
Moving birds:
Starling 26 > NW
Curlew 3 > W
Oystercatcher 2 > W
Skylark 5 > E
Swallow 12 > SE
Whimbrel 1 > S
Some movement > NW, W and S (LBBG, BHG, Common and Herring).
Some other:
Common Scoter 1 (see previous post below for photograph).
Linnet c15
Meadow Pipit 5
Curlew 46
Common Sandpiper 2
Mallard 26
Canada Goose 9
Common Gull 3
Lesser black backed Gull 83 +60 = 143
Black headed Gull 190 + 250 = 440
Herring Gull 2
Gulls lots loafing in afternoon.

Loafing Lesser black back Gulls (c) DCB