Thruscross 0720-11.20 Wind F 1 SW( but sheltered) 4/8 cloud with rain at end of watch.
J Blacker A M Hanby
The highlight was a flock of a minimum of 113 Crossbills in the vicinity of the car park.
The vis mig was interesting too!
Mistle Thrush 28( 7W, 21S)
Starling 18W
Common Gull 22SW
Lapwing 56W, 19E
Sand Martin 17S
Swallow 15w
Siskin 1N
Woodpigeon 53W, 8E- a noticeable movement - as a trickle rather than the Novemeber deluge
Curlew 9W
G Heron, 2N, 1S 2 about.
Swift 33W, most just before the rain( see Stainburn below)
Always forget these -- 17W at Thrusscross
Stainburn Moor 1135-1326
Moved here as there is a hut to shelter from the rain- it was worth it bird wise too.
Swallow 29W plus c50 in area
Swift 507W
H Martin 31W
Starling 30SW
Crossbill 1 heard- probably indicative of some in nearby conifers
Common Gull 2 W
BHG 113W plus flock of c550 on nearby field- a huge influx on last week
Wood Pig 3W
John is still there now so more to follow!
With test match almost in hand!! time to return to the vis mig.
Impressive hirundine and gull movement. Noteable that wags are moving.
19/07/09 F1 SW 7/8 13:45-15:15
Alba wag 4W
White Wag 1W
Swift 47W
Swallow 120W
Common Gull 3N
Best guess Black-tailed Godwit (saw at full scope magnification the long bill, protruding legs, plumage and action) 30W in 1 flock.
Oystercatcher 1N
Woodpigeon 8W
Local reed bunting, mips, hirundine