Oxenhope.... mip surge! 16-09-2010

Pre Sunrise.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

A BIG Open Sky.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

PM Showers.... (c) Howard Creber 2010

PM Showers intensify.... (c) Howard Creber 2010
Oxenhope, Bradford (W Yorks, England)
Thursday 16 September 2010
Counting period: 6:15-11:30
Weather: NW F2 building F3 late morning, 9degC, 70km, A lovely bright morning with a steady breeze. Alto Cum Lenticularis, Alto Cum Floccus, Velum. 2/8 to 4/8. Cumulonimbus noted far to the west, QNH 1008 rising
Observers: Howard Creber, Alan Tremethic
Moving birds:
Greylag Goose 2 -
Swallow 77 -
Chaffinch - 78
Merlin 1 -
Meadow Pipit 2008 -
Goldfinch 21 -
Common Snipe 1 -
Grey Wagtail 2 -
Linnet 9 -
Black-headed Gull 24 -
alba wagtail sp. 9 -
Lesser Redpoll 2 -
Lesser Black-backed Gull 135 -
Wheatear 2 -
Lapland Bunting 1 -
Stock Dove 2 -
Mistle Thrush 3 -
Woodpigeon 5 -
Starling - 2
Totals: 2384 individuals, 19 species, 5:15 hours
Present: Mallard 11, Goosander 22, Kestrel 5, Mistle Thrush 7, Magpie 3, Carrion Crow 8
Comments: As expected, mipits were on the march this morning after two days of very poor weather.There was a constant stream of birds right through the watch with the real surge commencing 07.15 hrs - 1009 Mipits between 07.15 hrs & 09.00 hrs (1.75 hrs) and 858 between 09.01 hrs & 11.30 hrs (2.5 hrs). It is worth noting that when mips were at their peak, as the move was broad front that two observers would have considerably enhanced the result. Chaffinches were also strong with the bulk moving west in the first hour & half. A Lapland Bunting passed overhead at 06.50 hrs moving SE. Another bird of note was a second Merlin in two days through fast south. Despite scanning all horizons, no skeins of pinkies observed. Will try again p.m.... Mipits - 2008 SW... Alba Wag - 9 W... Grey Wag - 2 W... Merlin - 1 S... Lapland Bunting - 1 SE... Swallow - 77 SW.... Goldfinch - 21 S.... Linnet - 9 W.... Lesser Redpoll - 2 S.... Mistle Thrush - 7 local & 3 very high W.... Chaffinch - 78 NW... Wheatear - 2... Grey Lag Goose - 2 W..... Stock Dove - 2 SE.... Starling - 2 singles high NW.... Woodpigeon - 5 high W.... LBB Gull - 135 NW..... BH Gull - 24 NW... Snipe 1 W....
Counting period: 14:15-16:15
Weather: NW F2/3, 15degC, good visibility, 3/8, Cumulonimbus capillatus & Altocumulus, bright and sunny with a few showers, QNH 1009 rising
Observers: Howard Creber
Moving birds:
Common Snipe 2 -
Meadow Pipit 34 -
Black-headed Gull 54 -
Totals: 90 individuals, 3 species, 2:00 hours
Comments: Spent a couple of hours at the late autumn watchpoint hoping to pick up some pinkies, but alas, not to be. Otherwise, minimal vismig, but pleasant being out all the same..... Mipits - 34 SW.... BH gulls - 54 N..... Snipe - 2 W.... Others :- Hirundines - many blogging over Worth basin.
Counting period: 18:45-20:30
Weather: NW F3, 10degC, 65km, 1/8 stratocumulus cumulogenitus (fine example!) in far NW, QNH 1010 rising
Observers: Dave Barker
Moving birds:
Curlew 10 -
Meadow Pipit 161 -
Totals: 171 individuals, 2 species, 1:45 hours
Present: Goosander 31, Curlew 5, Black-headed Gull 3, Lesser Black-backed Gull 210
Comments: Open sky over last night and no significant continuous cloud cover through the day, Wind remaining in a NW quarter and QNH rising throughout. Only good numbers of evening mipits and a few Curlew west tonight..... otherwise empty skies!
Howard, Alan and Dave.