Oxenhope Watchpoint 04-05-2008

The Sky This Morning from Birdholme (c) 2008
0730 - 1030hr (DCB, CK)
E F3, 10degC, vis 5km haze, rain from o915hr, 7/8, QNH 1021
Not a lot happening today but marginally a "wader" day with both Dunlin and LR Plover passing through along with three Sand Martins and a Cuckoo calling. Just three Wheatears this morning with a Whinchat on the wall.
Moving Birds:
Sand Martin 3 > SE
LR Plover 1 > SE
Dunlin 2 > NW
Wheatear 3 > N
Common Gull 1 > S
Cuckoo 1
Grey Heron 1
LBB Gull 12
Swallow many in and out of usual nesting buildings
C geese
Common Sandpipier 2+
Reed Bunting 2
Pied Wagtail 3
Song thrush 1
Whinchat 1
Redshank 4
Red legged Partridge 2
Meadow Pipit many.... none seen moving